Posts Tagged ‘beachbody’

Last week I joined 9,000 people from all over the world in Las Vegas who took at an opportunity to make an impact with their life.

Together on paper we don’t sound like a bunch of success. We were made up of former bartenders, people without a college degree, people who once sold their blood plasma to make ends meet, introverts, people who were formerly addicted to alcohol and people living pay check to pay check.

But because of our hearts and determination to help others success has naturally followed!

It’s not comfortable talking about money, especially because money is at the heart of so many issues, but we are people who don’t make sense on paper, yet are making $1,000, $4,000, $500,000 to over $1.000,000 A MONTH as Beachbody Coaches! All because we took a chance to workout and help others to do the same!

I know reading this you may be skeptical, and that’s ok, I was too…not any more! I am a believer! I’ve seen, heard and experienced first hand what Beachbody can do to change lives, from losing 5lb or 100lbs, to bringing Mom’s home to their kids, giving people who were told they would never amount to anything purpose and success, giving people the ability to go on a family vacation, to pay off debt and even buy their first home in cash!

This is the real deal and I want to share this opportunity with everyone and shout it from the roof tops! You don’t have to struggle financially, you don’t have to keep working that dead end job, their is a greater purpose for your life, you can do more and be more, this is an opportunity to bridge you to your dreams, to fund your family vacations or to follow your own passion in life!

I want to share this opportunity, give people a chance at success and help others achieve their personal goals! You are my friends, my family, I wouldn’t share something with you if it wasn’t the real deal, if it wasn’t making an impact on my life and those around me.

If you’re curious, or want to know more, message me, call me, or come to the Super Saturday event this next Saturday to learn more and to get a free workout in!

It NEVER hurts to collect information! Don’t miss out on an opportunity because you’re afraid to talk to me or because you’re skeptical and have formed opinions before knowing the facts!

This could change your life and the lives of countless others you could help!
